Rafael es un grabador y diseñador de joyería con más de 50 años de experiencia, Empezó su carrera en pequeños talleres desde los 10 años de edad. Estudió grabado y escultura en la academia de San Carlos en la Ciudad de México para posteriormente iniciar su propio negocio dónde fabricaba y vendía en un pequeño local.
Su trabajo ha trascendido las fronteras y su joyería se ha ido a diferentes partes del mundo, ha trabajado para Leonardo Di Caprio y la Reina Margaret de Dinamarca por mencionar algunos. Hoy en día vive con pasión y alegría su vocación deleitando con su trabajo a las cientos de personas que lo visitan.
Rafael is an engraver and jewelry designer with more than 50 years of experience, he began his career in small workshops since he was 10 years old. He studied engraving and sculpture at the San Carlos Academy in Mexico City and subsequently started his own business where he manufactured and sold his pieces in a small store.
His work has transcended borders and his jewerly has gone to different parts of the world, like Leonardo Di Caprio and Queen Margaret from Denmark.
Nowadays he lives passionately working for every client that pays a visit to the jewelry store.
Rafael is an engraver and jewelry designer with more than 50 years of experience, he began his career in small workshops since he was 10 years old. He studied engraving and sculpture at the San Carlos Academy in Mexico City and subsequently started his own business where he manufactured and sold his pieces in a small store.
His work has transcended borders and his jewerly has gone to different parts of the world, like Leonardo Di Caprio and Queen Margaret from Denmark.
Nowadays he lives passionately working for every client that pays a visit to the jewelry store.
Siempre buscamos tener lo mejor para cada uno de nuestros clientes.
We always have the best quality materials for every piece of jewelry we design.